Elevated PSA-investigations
Elevated PSA investigations refer to the PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test, which is usually used to screen for prostate cancer.
What are elevated PSA investigations?
Elevated PSA investigations refer to the PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test, which is usually used to screen for prostate cancer. It works by measuring the amount of PSA in the blood. PSA, a protein, is produced by noncancerous and cancerous tissue within the prostate (the gland which sits below the male bladder). While PSA is predominantly found in the semen, it is ordinary for a small amount to be in the blood.
Via a PSA test, high levels of PSA which could suggest the presence of prostate cancer can be detected. A high PSA level can also indicate other conditions such as an inflamed or enlarged prostate, so interpreting the significance of a high PSA score can be complex. Therefore, your PSA could be elevated for a multitude of reasons, Mr Kaba will discuss this with you.
Am I a good candidate for elevated PSA investigations?
Before deciding whether to have a PSA test, you should discuss it with your Consultant, taking into account your personal preferences and risk factors.
The decision to undergo a PSA test should be weighed up against risks such as biopsy issues and psychological effects which can come from a tumour which doesn't ultimately result in illness. Not all men are suitable for a PSA test.

Screening for prostate cancer
There has been a consistent approach from the government in the UK that there is not enough evidence to support a countrywide screening programme for the detection of prostate cancer. There are however large studies in Europe that show there is a significant reduction in the chances of dying of prostate cancer of over 20% in a large, screened population compared to the men who were not tested.
Patient information - what to expect
PSA testing usually takes place on an individual patient basis by their GP or your Consultant. There are advantages and disadvantages to having the test. The benefits of early diagnosis can be offset by finding cancers that may require no treatment. Patients referred to Mr Kaba with a finding of a raised PSA test are counselled and examined. The majority of patients can now expect an MRI scan to further assess the prostate and determine whether a prostate biopsy is required. The standard of care in Mr Kaba’s practice is for targeted and systematic trans-perineal biopsy performed under local anaesthetic in those patients with an abnormality on their scan.
Get in Touch
Nuffield Health Warwickshire Hospital
The Chase Blackdown
Leamington Spa
CV32 6RW
Mrs Laura Quince
+441926 436316